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Broken | ‘Blackcats’

August 6 | Written By Kirsten Moreton

Released on July 28th, 2023, ‘Broken’ is the fifth single off the upcoming self-titled album by Glasgow band, Blackcats. The up-and-coming rock group have made a splash in the scenes with their punchy vocals and powerful guitar.  

Inspired by a variety of artists from Linkin Park to Alice and Chains, Blackcats bring a new sound to rock music, combining elements of different genres within each section and creating something entirely new. Grungy vocals in the verse, followed by elements of Nu Metal and hard rock really set this group aside from other rock bands new to the scene. This combination of inspiration and sound creates something truly unique and ensures each section will have every listener engaged. 

The track opens with a melodic and distorted guitar over a steady drumbeat. Following this, enter the vocals which reflect those of famous grunge artists like Lane Staley and Chris Cornell. The chorus then shifts into a heavier section, shifting the track from grunge to metal in the most dynamic and interesting way. It is this genre of meddling that really makes ‘Broken’ one of a kind. Mixing that with the vocals and powerful instrumentation makes the track the perfect listen for all heavy rock lovers. 

‘Broken’ is by far one of the greatest tracks to come from the band and will leave music lovers keen to hear what is next from the group. 

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Check out ‘Broken’ here.

Check out Blackcats on Spotify here.

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