EXXO - History | Single Review

31 May | Simon White

Cast those minds back to February. Life was bleak, the weather was cold, Costa-del-living crisis in full effect; but hey, at least there is new music. 17th February: Skrillex released his first album in nearly 9 years, Pink dropped, a reasonably well received record, and we saw the return of stoner metal band Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs. However, this was also the date of exxo’s debut single. exxo are an alternative two-piece originating from Aberdeen, and an answer to the question of what would happen if Royal Blood, Bring Me The Horizon, and Death From Above 1979 joined forces.

exxo consists of Ross Yule (lead vocals and guitar) and Ross McLean (drums) and, in their own words, focus on “delivering raw punchy music”, “heavy riffs”, and “the occasional stereotypical heavy metal breakdown”. ‘HISTORY’ definitely embodies this focus.

First things first, THIS SONG IS AN EARWORM!!! exxo have produced one of the catchiest riffs modern rock has produced in a long time. ‘HISTORY’ opens with this clanky, industrial-influenced synth, before this barnstorming riff drops! The way the snare drum blends with the riff accentuates the punch exxo are so focussed on delivering – and oh boy do they pull it off! Between the verses and chorus there is a call and response between the bass and guitar, with the guitar laying down the riff, and through the verses the bass mirroring it. Ross Yule’s soft vocals throughout are used to perfection; having the bass lay down the melody allows for Yule’s soft vocals. The track doesn’t yearn for a big vocal performance, so this is an excellent aspect of ‘HISTORY’, that I’m sure fans would want more of in the future.

The simplicity of 'HISTORY’ is what makes it such a good track – very much ‘back to basics’ rock music. For example, the breakdown towards the end. Same riff, halftime drums, boosted synths. Perfection. The only minor detail that lets the track down, however, is some elements of the production. Sometimes the rhythm guitar faids into the background, which overall isn’t the end of the world but for a two-piece with the guitar being a prominent feature, this should be avoided. Additionally, the production overcompensates from the lack of bass (in the live band) by boosting the low end beyond necessity. However, it’s not for the want of trying, as the electronic layering is impeccable, and is very modern.

Fans can definitely look forward to more fantastic modern metal from exxo. If exxo can produce an EP’s worth of anything close to ‘HISTORY’, audiences can prepare themselves for many a year of this band. Since the release of ‘HISTORY’, exxo have released a second single: ‘THIS IS (NOT) A SIMULATION’. Another cracker of a track, and one worth listening to. But for now, the emphasis is on ‘HISTORY’, and rightly so.

Check out ‘HISTORY’ here.

Check out EXXO here.

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