Everything there is/ Low Joy | DAY SLEEPER

Weekly Feature April 9 | Written By Kirsten Moreton

Day Sleeper are a brand new Edinburgh based group who just dropped their debut tracks, ‘Low Joy’ and ‘Everything There Is’ that released on the 31st of March. 

Day Sleeper - Low joy Single Cover

‘Everything There Is’ is a peaceful and heartfelt track, featuring ambient piano, soft vocals and a steady drum beat which build to a strong and perfectly layered chorus. The tracks calming tones and steady pace makes it an excellent listen for after a long day and an energy which feels like reminiscing with loved ones. 

‘Low Joy’ opens with a cascading melodic intro which is soon velvety layered with triumphant vocals from the groups lead singer. The track continues to add layers, building to a powerful bridge featuring atmospheric layering, harmonising, and powerful strums of a thrashing guitar. The track is both bold and powerful yet a somewhat peaceful listen with its chilled out and slower paced opening.  

The two tracks go perfectly hand and hand together, each one being similar yet perfectly unique. Both tracks are available to stream now on major streaming platforms. 

Check out Low Joy and Everything There Is here.

Follow Day Sleeper for updates here.

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